

Spiritual son of the Land of Teraanga, a name that encompasses generosity, hospitality and warmth, Khatab Mbaye is set to conquer Montreal and bring down the house. This artist doesn’t confine himself to the traditional mbalax of his Senegalese role models! No, his ears are filled with a wide range of tunes, from Québec’s own Garou and Cold Play’s British rock sound, to legends like James Brown and Michael Jackson. Quite the musical mosaic for a young artist to start out with and he totally rocked at Nuits d’Afrique’s 2024 Syli d’or de la musique du monde!


Super active on social media platforms, the joyful trilingual singer is the voice of Senegal’s youth, who are always in his heart even when he’s thousands of kilometres away from Dakar. He uses his voice to raise awareness of persistent social issues including forced marriage, fatal migratory exoduses, and all forms of oppression affecting his generation. His remedy? To spread love, more and better love, wherever he goes. His credo? “Artists are like gods”. A noble stance from this voice of resilient youth, who deserves our full attention and respect while we enjoy his superb music. 

Festival international Nuits d'Afrique - 38e