They started out in their beloved Algeria as FreeHead, a band that conjured up the free Berber spirt of abandon. Then, the group reemerged like a Pheonix under the band name NUMIDZ, after undergoing a transformative immigration experience and even redefining their purpose as performing musicians. But the band needs to perform to realize their deepest desire: to connect Algiers and the Magreb world with their new ties to Québec, to Canada. If we delve deeper into the history of civilizations, it is easy to see how this progression has its roots in the history of Numidia. This ancient kingdom that lay to the west of Carthage all the way to Mauritania, was the ancestral land of the nomadic peoples of North Africa.
Musically, NUMIDZ’s members spread their music and song through the vibes of rock, with a penchant for universal jazz that goes hand in hand with Berber rites and desert murmurs. It’s the raw energy of riffs, electric arrangements that emerge from urban living. An incredible odyssey that is born, lives and is reborn: a cycle of renewal to remind us that we always come from somewhere. Share and receive, the creative wheel according to NUMIDZ belongs to each of us. Join its motion, on foot, hand in hand, to experience earthly delights.