

In the company of these six joyful South American troubadours, time has neither harbour nor shore…  as the group gaily sings: “La Vida is Short!” Hailing from Columbias’ sugar region, Los Gaiteros de Ovejas (LGDO) delves into the rich Gaita heritage of yesteryear, the musical traditions of the region’s indigenous peoples, harmoniously rejuvenated with modern percussions. Playing the hembra and macho gaita flutes with magical breath, the perpetual ensemble has been crafting folk melodies for over three decades, faithfully maintaining their musical heritage. Their secret? A fresh blend of cumbia, porro, currulao, intertwined with scenes of daily life typical of the region. The destiny of Colombian women in the shadows, “Rosa” and “Dolores” find their existential tales sung on the album Pa´Amanecé (2017), as are those who are celebrated in the catchy tune, “A Mi Me Gustan las Mujeres.” In 2020, much to the delight of their fans and the renowned WOMEX community, they released their EP Al Mejor Estilo with hits “Nada te llevas” and “Zambrano.” Columbia’s gaita flutes at their finest.

This all-male band has shared the stage with a host of international artists, including Montreal’s own Arcade Fire. It was actually in Bogotá in 2017 that the two groups first came together, performing an incredible remix of “Everything now.” As an ever-renewing ensemble, it has also collaborated with DJs including Cero 39 and groups such as the Gordos Project and Bomba Estéreo’s famous psychedelic electro cumbia band! Since 2019, the group has won multiple festival awards, while the six compañeros continue to uphold their allegiance to traditional music, propelling it into the present like an elixir of joy with every listen. Get your dancing shoes ready for a spirited celebratory event that is sure to uplift your soul …

Festival international Nuits d'Afrique - 38e