

Treat yourself to something of a world music tour! Lavanya’s ambitious Dharani Project has succeeded in bringing together, in a harmonious blend, the sounds of India, Brazil, Latin America and West Africa. It doesn’t get any better than that! At its heart, is the musical genius and intercultural DNA of a group of musicians practising their art in Quebec. The ensemble offers a seductive change of scenery, one that has enchanted souls and earned several Coups de Coeur ratings through the MUZ de Vision Diversité as well invitations from the Conseil des Arts de Montréal, Ici Radio Canada, MaTV and BAM.

Singer Lavanya Narasiah, born to Indian immigrants, is completely enamoured with the kora and the blend of African and Indian music and the group’s backbone. Her spirited, captivating voice weaves its way through Indian languages coloured with French, English and Portuguese, setting the tone for her musical partners: Diely Mori Tounkara on the kora, Josh Fink on bass, Subir Dev playing Indian percussion, Jean-Marc Hébert on guitar, and Daniel Bellegarde, master Afro-Caribbean-Latino-Brazilian percussionist. Genuinely trance-inducing, with global rhythms that will ignite the most discerning of audiences.

LAVANYA-Projet Dharani
Festival international Nuits d'Afrique - 38e