

The music of this extraordinary band resonates in the souls of Kinshasa’s youth while its five members exude enthusiasm and ingenuity through their infectious tunes and unique instruments. This outstanding group consists of four main singers, Leebruno, who plays a metal percussion instrument, Mille Baguettes on drums, Ducap who plays an instrument made of plastic bottles and Djino Bass on bass and last but not least, Bébé Mingé, on harp and guitar as well as backup vocals. Displaying Sape Kinshasa-style, the Kin’Gongolo Kiniata band goes all out to thrill audiences with its own brand of Afropop electrofunk. Watch out! These guys have more than a few tricks up their sleeves, they are masters of resourcefulness and upcycling pros! They have all built their own instruments using discarded materials, giving old rubbish new life: plates, scrap metal, plastic bottles, you name it! The “kingongolo” part of their name refers to the sound of pop bottles hitting tin cans popularized by kerosene sellers who provided fuel for people’s storm lamps during the city’s power cuts.


Hats off to this ecological approach, all to the glory of music. Their impressive live shows never fail to capture the enthusiasm of their fans who become drenched in sweat from dancing. The band, which has already made a name for itself in France, Belgium and Sweden, among other European countries, takes inspiration from the well-established Staff Benda Bilili, another prodigious Congolese band. Better than any superfood blend, their music is a revitalizing, organic Afropop concoction infused with energizing electro-punk and imbued with a lot of Congolese substance. Singing in Lingala, a major Bantu language, the Kin’Gongolo Kiniata’s members give their all with songs that speak out for the younger generations, the end of conflict in the DRC and the recognition of the unsung heroes of day-to-day survival, while their depth of soul and wisdom give hope to the future of Africa through its youth. This is one show you won’t want to miss!

Festival international Nuits d'Afrique - 38e