


He’s one of Quebec’s adopted troubadours bearing the hallmarks of entire nation. With his Latin groove and swinging reggae vibes, and always ready to celebrate in a fiery explosion of joy, he provides a piñata of music filled with treats for the ear.

Of Paraguayan and Mexican descent, Boogát a.k.a. Daniel Russo Garrido, is also trilingual in Spanish, English and French, which has helped to earn him a huge network of fans worldwide. A global citizen, he has travelled a similar path as that of Manu Chao. In one of his earlier albums, Neo​-​Reconquista, he encapsulates the global scene of his city of Montréal, his urban barrio, while the passionate sentiment of “Me Muero Por Ti” has reggae-hip-hop arrangements that are simply addictive. He’s a real magnet for success, and his orbit includes other popular musicians of his generation such as Pierre Kwenders and Waahli. 

Full of panache, Boogát carries with him a lifetime of experiences and proudly positions himself as a neo-Québécois artist. His songs often deal with the immigrant experience, finding a sense of self within a different milieu than the one they were born into, as in “Matar El Ego.” But there is nothing like “Dos Cervezas,” to refresh the spirit and titillate the senses — an essential on hot summer days. His upcoming concert at Festival International Nuits d’Afrique promises to impress with original material from his latest album, Del Horizonte. A thirst-quenching cocktail of rhythms that M

Festival international Nuits d'Afrique - 38e