Disques Nuits d'Afrique
Specializing in music with roots in Africa, Productions Nuits d’Afrique has been a significant player on the international scene since 1987. Productions Nuits d’Afrique has been a springboard to North America for many groups that are now well known, establishing their reputations and introducing them to fans through memorable concerts and events. Annually, the most significant vehicle has been the highly touted Festival International Nuits d’Afrique, Canada’s original world music festival.
Productions Nuits d’Afrique has been instrumental in opening doors to a whole new market. Simply put, this is a major accomplishment. Indeed, many of the festival’s finest discoveries hadn’t yet put their creative talents on record before they played their first Festival International Nuits d’Afrique.
Disques Nuits d’Afrique, launched in June 1999 and dedicated to world music and especially African music, has been another vital outlet for world music artists. From traditional to modern, there’s still a huge range of world music waiting for fans to discover and enjoy.
A treasure trove of brilliant artists and their music, Disques Nuits d’Afrique might well be compared to the tiny cowry shell, precious symbol of wealth. The modest cowry, a frequent centerpiece for contemporary African jewellery and sculpture, is celebrated as the first currency of ancient Africa… just as Disques Nuits d’Afrique is the first label of World Music in Canada.
The mission is clear… and Disques Nuits d’Afrique is dedicated to the challenge… to one day hear world music dominate the radio waves… to see record stores promoting stacks of world music alongside mainstream pop.
Disques Nuits d’Afrique – devoted to African talent and the best in tropical music. Just remember that cowry shell!