

Country: Cameroon
Club Balattou
4372 Boul St-Laurent, Montréal, QC H2W 1Z5
Date: 02/01/2024
Time: 21:00
Price: 15$
SPECIAL OFFER - PROMOTION : ONLINE PRE-SALE: 2 for 1 promotion, with promo code: CANA2P1 "Forró is a vibrant cultural expression born in the northeastern region of Brazil, but it holds significant importance throughout the entire country. Its traditional rhythms, including 'baião,' 'arrasta pé,' and 'xote,' invite people to dance and sing along to lyrics and melodies composed by legends such as Luiz Gonzaga, Dominguinhos, Anastácia, and other great composers. Hailing from Recife and deeply immersed in this musical universe, the multi-instrumentalist Lara Klaus (playing zabumba and lending her vocals) has formed the group 'Forró de Lá' with talented musicians Rodrigo Simões (on guitar and vocals), Gabriel Schwartz (handling flute, percussion, and vocals), and Dominique Poirier (on accordion). Together, they promise to bring a taste of Brazil to Montreal and captivate the audience with their music, ensuring a delightful and entertaining experience for all." CABARET ACOUSTIQUE NUITS D’AFRIQUE – at the Club Balattou The legendary Club Balattou, and all its team, is happy to welcome you, with the “Cabaret acoustique Nuits d’Afrique”. It is a whole program that awaits you, especially concocted for the public! You will be able to enjoy live performances every week, from Thursday to Sunday, at 9pm. A musical rendez-vous, which makes you travel through Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America, not to be missed !


Lydol opens the 2024 edition of this Black History Month event! The first female slam artist to be shortlisted for the Prix découvertes RFI and designated an ambassador for Africa-EU Collaboration in 2022, Lydol has produced two albums and several singles while continually expanding her artistic horizons. In addition to performing internationally, she actively promotes the slam genre beyond its ‘intimate’ circles and organizes festivals such as PluriElles and Slam’Up. She also launched the Cameroon Science Slam competition, while her Style haut à stylo writing workshops reflect her commitment to coaching new talent. In 2022, she founded the SHEroes Association to support to women who are victims of violence. 

An event presented in collaboration with the TD Bank Group

Productions Nuits d’Afrique presents, in partnership with TD Bank Group, “Women of the world raise their voices“.  A special program, offering 5 concert-events as part of Black History Month!